Overview Add more depth to your site by means of the Media Parallax module. 它适用于图像和背景视频. What this module does for you This simple and functional module allows...
Sales: 25
Support: 4.1/5
JX Blog module from PrestaShop was developed to increase the traffic to your website by posting creative and helpful posts about your products and services. JX Blog模块附带了一组...
Sales: 3
Support: 4.1/5
The module allows to create a unique gallery from category logos of the homepage. You can adjust each element and give it custom settings (what and how should be displayed). 画廊客满了...
Sales: 10
Support: 4.1/5
Promote separate categories of your store through spectacular sliders made with Category Image Slider. What this module does for you This module lets you create custom sliders for specific...
Sales: 17
Support: 4.1/5
Create different variations of your products and display them on the homepage with the help of TM Homepage Combinations module. By means of this module you can create variations of the same product...
Sales: 3
Support: 4.1/5
Reveal your store`s location and short description about it on the front page of your site with the help of the Google Map module. 该模块允许您添加显示的Google地图...
Sales: 9
Support: 4.1/5
Lookbook PrestaShop模块
向顾客展示你的产品在使用时的样子.g. 模特身上的衣服,室内的家具等等. 你可以用热点标记每一个广告项目. 它将打开一个带有产品的弹出式块...
Sales: 14
Support: 4.1/5
Make the products stored in the assortment look more attractive on the site in non standard layout. Simple module that allows displaying products of sel ected categories in non standard layout on...
Sales: 9
Support: 4.1/5
Improve your customer engagement by letting them creating collections of your products and share them in social networks. Using this module, you can let registered customers combine their favorite...
Sales: 1
Support: 4.1/5
Home Carousel prestshop模块
This Home Carousel PrestaShop Addon can help you arrange multiple products taking minimum space of the homepage. The extension provides quick installation and configuration by various parameters....
Sales: 16
Support: 4.1/5

5个最佳PrestaShop UI模块2024

Template Name Downloads Price
博客PrestaShop模块 3 $70
Lookbook PrestaShop模块 14 $65
集合prestshop模块 1 $65
谷歌地图PrestaShop模块 9 $65
TM主页组合PrestaShop模块 3 $65


The user interface PrestaShop modules will give your online store a professional look. Designed with the latest technologies, these tools ensure that your shop looks great on any device. Additionally, these tools will save you money and time when building your eCommerce site. 这可以让你专注于经营你的企业. From advanced search options to product comparisons, you have everything you need in one place. 忘记复杂的编码吧 UI plugins,你离成功又近了一步.


PrestaShop is a very popular e-commerce platform, and its user interface is always getting better. However, 如果你想让prestashop驱动的商店更上一层楼, 那么你就需要附加组件来改善UI.


  • This category of plugins helps customize the look and feel of a store. 这使得顾客更容易浏览和购物.
  • 它们还有助于提高站点的性能. This makes sure that customers have a good time when they visit a store.

那么,这最终意味着什么呢? Above all, these extensions are the easiest and most reliable way to customize the look and feel of your store with cutting-edge designs and features. The variety of tools at your disposal will help you set your webshop apart from the rest.


界面附加组件是各种业务的游戏规则改变者, 从初创公司到小企业主再到大企业. 这些插件将帮助你最大限度地发挥你网站的潜力. 具有直观的设计和易于使用的功能, they make it easier than ever to create an engaging and user-friendly experience for your customers.

具有PrestaShop模块的用户界面, 当涉及到以下方面时,企业可以开启一个充满机遇的世界:

  • 定制产品页面;
  • 提供个性化折扣;
  • creating other UI elements 彻底改善客户体验.

All in all, it is an incredibly powerful tool that allows businesses to be creative and find effective ways to enhance their journeys.

Building an E-commerce Site with the Best UI Modules for PrestaShop

Building an e-commerce site with ready-to-use tools doesn't have to be daunting. 使用正确的附加组件组合, you can create a stunning online shop that will capture your customers' attention. 可供选择的例子包括:

  • Parallax. 滚动功能允许您创建自定义布局. 这种类型的设计把你的内容放在最前面, 确保它始终可见且易于导航, 同时保持美观的外观. This provides a dynamic and engaging user experience that is sure to make your website stand out from the crowd.
  • Carousel: This visually stunning type of design lets you showcase your products or compare different options with ease. The slideshow-like format provides a smooth and natural UX without having to be interrupted by pesky navigation bars, 让你的观众毫不费力地探索内容. It's perfect for those who need an attractive yet efficient way to organize their website.
  • Blog: This is a powerful tool to share your ideas and content with the world in a fresh and modern way. It has an attractive look and feel that will keep viewers hooked on your content, 使其成为任何成功网站的重要组成部分.
  • Wishlist: This is a handy way to keep track of what products people like so you can send them an email about them later. They can also use it as a list to write down all the things that need to be bought or done.
  • Product slider: This is an interactive way to show off your products on your website. 它的布局很简单,但很有趣. It's a better option than the usual product gallery and will keep people coming back for more.



This collection of add-ons is the way to create a stellar UX for your customers. They make it easier for visitors to navigate through your store and find what they need.


If you're looking for the best of the best without breaking the bank, 那么你应该考虑加入og体育首页ONE. 有了这些成员, you'll get access to a wide range of free and low-cost modules to create stunning websites and online shops.


各种规模和行业的公司, 从电子商务商店到在线市场, 能从这些资产中获益吗.


Simply follow these four easy steps to install PrestaShop-compatible plugins so you can start using them right away.